Logger by Yoger Games


  • Do you spend too much time on troubleshooting your Corona app?
  • Do you log too much information?
  • Do you need to change print statements in a lot of places if you need to troubleshoot a particular part of your code?

If your answer to any of the questions above is yes then Logger by Yoger Games is the right plugin for you.


With Logger you will get the following benefits

  • Set different log levels for different channels (a channel is a module, scene, component / sub-component or anything else. Basically a grouping of functionality).
  • Selectively print messages to console depending on api call and the log level set for specified channel.
  • Easily set up different log levels for different platforms, device ids, etc. etc.
  • Quickly locate where in code the message is printed, by having lua file, function and line number in the printed message.

How it works

The syntax of a log printout in your log is

/<LEVEL OF SEVERITY>: [<Channel>] <Message> (<Lua file>:<function>:<line number>)

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